Well let me start where it began, one morning of 23rd June, my wife woke me up and without saying much, she showed me this. Then I was filled with joy that I can't express with my sleepy face. The first thing came to my mind was "Alhamdulillah, I can't believe it". Lots of my friends are having problems conceiving a child. Even one of my friend actually adopted since the wait is too long. As for me, Allah Maha Kaya, I'm thankful!
This morning, we went for an Ultra-Trans-Vaginal thingy. Little did I expect to see anything much since it's just that my wife only less than 2 months pregnant. But oh boy! I wasn't expecting this. You see, I can see the foetus already and the umbilical cord. It's there! My baby is there, visible!! I feel a rush of happiness looking at my own growing child. I'm almost in tears. It's now 100% confirmed that I'm going to be a dad.
There's more! The doctor said that if we are lucky enough, we could hear its heartbeat. Yes, it has a heartbeat. Then, there it is, around 170 beats per minute... it is the most beautiful sound one could ever hear. At this point, I'm in tears. Something that is mine and in about 7 months, its gonna be there, right in front of my face and in my arms. The doctors predicted the arrival of our baby on 1st March 2011. My god! I can't wait. Oh yeah, it's just a single foetus, so no twins for now :p huhu
"Ya Allah, selamatkanlah diriku, selamatkanlah isteriku dan selamatkanlah anak didalam kandungan isteriku, hanya kepada Mu kami mampu berserah dan kepada Mu juga kami akan kembali"
ps: I'm so filled with emotions right now......