Went to Muara beach last sunday... the end of a nice long weekend (friday till sunday). So many to think about especially finances. I have to say, its rather neck-choking but I'm sure god has better intention. Mesti sabar dan redha!
I have to say, the cool breeze from the sea has some calming effect and I keep looking at how far the sea goes... it seems endless, but when I think straight ahead, there's should be Singapore and West Malaysia.... there's another life going on the other side of the sea.
Keep on praying to Allah~ "Berikanlah ketenangan pada diri hambaMu yang lemah ini, luaskan lah rezeki kami yang hanya mampu berserah kepadaMu, amin~!"
ps: sabarlah wahai saudara-saudara Brunei ku, insyaAllah, kesempitan kitani ani, ada rahmatnya nanti... amin~
1 comment:
It's good to be near to God all the time. I'm glad u did :-D
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