Last sunday, I went to learn reading the Quran. Actually I know how to read but this class is for adult, so basically perfecting the Quran reading. I went to this class with my father-in-law and seems like it was decided that this class will be commencing every Sunday night.

It was fun and educational though. Ugama school ended like years ago but going to this class, I get a whiff of my old times in Ugama school. He he such memories huh~! I thought it was just going to be like reading and correcting, reading and correcting but hey, it was more than that.

The Ustaz (teacher) actually teaches us some of the basic Tajwid (correct reading method) and gives us some good hints and information on reading some words that require 'dengung'. I feel a bit liberated though, cause I used to be very good at this and now I'm a bit lost and forgotten some of the rules and stuff.

Alhamdulillah, the class went on from 8.15pm until 10.00pm. Thanks 'bapa' for giving me a chance to join this class. Its a very good activity and ensures my well-being. Hopefully for the upcoming ramadhan, I will be able to read Quran more smoothly and properly, Amin~!
ps: kena baca gak sorang-sorang depan semua hehe, segan gak tapi best :)
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