Alhamdulillah, on 12th February 2011 at 3.04am.... my daughter is finally born. 2.9kg and 52cm..... she is healthy, all 10 fingers and 10 toes :) I thank god for giving her to me~! She is an amazing baby.... I love her so much!! Thank you to all my families and friends for visiting and all the gifts.... **hugssssss
I named my daughter on the first day she was born... her name is....
"Damia Surhana"
ps: love her like crazy :)
Tahniah papa zal...
thanks cD... best tau dah jadi abah skrg. :) love my baby so much!!
Hey .. Congratulation on the title "papa" or is it "ayah"?? Hahaha .. anywy, I for the 1st time just revisit my blog (untouched for months) hahaha .. Noticed the headline "a NEW addition in my Life".. Shock and happy for u. Anyway, I hope the best for u.
Hehe thanks Dwen, yeah... I took the title "babah" coz that's how I called my dad hehehe... anyway thanks again, yeah... lately I haven't written blogs... mainly because my internet connection sucks and sometime, I'm just so busy with work, I got no time to write... but I try to regain my strength in writing, coz I think I'm a bit good at it *if I put my head into it :D
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