2 more weeks left...... friends been asking, am I ready? I don't think anyone is ready. This is a life altering decision. No longer will I be alone, no longer will I be thinking of myself. There will always be someone with me, for the rest of my life. Sure I am not ready, but I am ready to learn. Life is about learning something more.
I am a person who can be very insecure about my own life. Always crying thinking about my future but now I have someone to share it with. It will be less burdening to know someone is beside me through thick and thin. With many plans in our future, I'm sure things should go well, Amin!
Oh yeah, some people still unsure what's happening with me.... so here goes~
28th May - Majlis Nikah @ Masjid Universiti Brunei Darussalam
29th May - Majlis Berbedak @ Mom's place at Kg Kiarong
31st May - Majlis Sanding @ Asma Hotel
Ya Allah, please bless us with happiness and prosperity throughout our life, please show us the correct path in our journey, bless us with obidient and respectful heirs, this is the path you chose for me and I abide with your will, I will make my family proud, Amin ya rabbal alamin~
To all my friends, wherever you guys are, thank you for all the supports and thank you for those who might plan to come to my wedding and to those who can't make it, I'll be seeing you guys in June. Hugs.
You and me, together forever.. Amin.. Love you!
Hye, we've been friend for as long as I could remember~ Do accept my congratulation to u and ur wife-to-be~
Just so u know, we, ur friends will always be there for u~
sufe: thanks baby!
lorince: thanks bro, :)
majlis berbedak tu caner? berinai ke? sorry, sy org perak takde plak tau ader majlis berbedak hihihi
putraZ: berbedak tu.. kat msia panggil tepung tawar kut...
yup berbedak tu adalah majlis tepung tawar...hbs la comot muke tu kena bedak haha...
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