Monday, 13 August 2018

Hi assalamualaikum :D

Day 2 of return to blog~  What to write ah? hehehe  Last nyte was Ra'id's (my nephew) birthday party.  Somehow, Zahra arrived at venue and started to feel unwell.  She vomitted.  Again.  Dunno why but kesian anak babah.  But this morning, she feels okay and happy.  Hopefully, its just last night.  Wife told me there's tummy flu going around.  Mudah-mudahan diberi kesihatan to all my family members.

At work right now, waiting for my class at 4pm.  Going to do practical activities later.  Finished my powerpoint presentation on it, hopefully the lesson will go well.  Not much time left though.  4 more chapters to go before the end of the year.  Hopefully can make it.  So many things are going on in the education industry that time is fleeting away so fast.  Kesian the students that have to endure all this.  Especially the multiple exams that they have to put up with.  May Allah grant them easeness in their studies.

Anyways.... thinking about a lot of things lately.  Trying to solve problems one at a time.  Really want to travel alone but now is not the time yet.  Maybe some time alone can help me figure out some things.  Hopefully can do it soon.  Outside seems okey.  But in my head... its a mess.

ps: Must remember, Allah is with me~

Sunday, 12 August 2018

Hi Assalamualaikum,

Oh my god! How long has it been since I last updated my blog?!?  What have been going on? A LOT!! hehehe

So lets summarized since I last leave blog...

Got a second daughter on 8th November 2013 (she is now 4 years old, coming 5 soon!).  All my financial problems (from previous blogs) are now settled and gone.  No house yet (this one is really difficult).  Yes, I'm still a teacher and still teaching science for lower secondary AND still works in the same school (not much complain) about that.  My DSLR hardly use nowadays, the flashlight broke (sent for repair already).  Used to use samsung galaxy phones now revert to iphone.  Been using the same macbook since 2011 till now (best laptop so far).

But the biggest change in my life happen in 2018..... its a very big change so I just leave it at that (some things better left unsaid).  It brought me to tears, it brought me to depression and it brought me to a lot of stuff to seriously think about.  I'm not totally back on my feet yet (who could anyway) but I'm still trying.  I cannot just change just like that, I need time and confidence.  My life has been all about that and it needs to change for the better.

All I can say now is that.... Allah is with me, Allah is there for my ups and downs... and Allah never forgets me.... Syukur, Alhamdulillah.... till next time (belum banyak idea nak tulis apa)!

ps: yeay, I wanna write more~~~!