Sunday, 23 January 2011

Sufe's Day Out~

Assalamualaikum semua :) how are you all? Today I have a fun day out taking my 8-month pregnant wife jalan-jalan. It's a good exercise for her and plus, she's going to be indoor for so long after giving birth, so this is like a break for her before all that happen. So where did we go and what did we do today.. hehe

First of all, we went to Shabu Shabu Restaurant for lunch. The service is crap like always but I guess having non-fried stuff for lunch is not that bad for her (and me too, bloating here hehehe). So we ordered the large set + ostrich.. nyam nyam nyam :) In case you guys didn't know, I love ostrich meat, taste like beef though....

Look at that 'manja' face. She really likes it if I take her out especially to these nice places. We kind of missed Singapore Honeymoon though, it was the best time of our life :)

My drink today is "Special Calamansi Green Tea"...... taste really funny though ahahaha!

Alryte, this is the place we went today... kind of crowded and lots of people coming here this afternoon. There was this family sitting behind me, kind of annoying really... but I tried to enjoy my meal hehehehe.....

Now, this is one surprise... hehehe... after having lunch, we went to the Mall and guess what, we continue having our hi-tea at "Secret Recipe" restaurant with our good friend "Lydia". We chatted a lot about our work this year... kind of overwhelming, but hey.... lets survive it shall we hehehehe.....

uhuk-uhuk.. yeah, a bit of pose wouldn't hurt ahahahahaha!!

Look at that two friends :) Sufe is smiling all the way.. biasa.... food on the table.. mother has to eat a lot you know hehehe....

Anyway, last pose for this evening... behind that is our "the Mall" in Gadong. It's nothing much, but at least we have one.... hehehehe...

ps: what a nice sunday.... stress reliever :)

Friday, 21 January 2011

Life oh life~

Assalamualaikum all!... It's been a while since I posted my own picture in my blog :) the reason is mostly because I don't look that good. Lately I feel really bloated, I can even feel I gain lots of weight. Arggh, I've been missing a good workout last year and I was in a good shape to do some exercises. Now I have to redo everything just to get back my stamina. Starting from the beginning is not an easy thing... first of all, I need to have self-confident and motivation. To wake up early and do exercises [e.g. jogging] just not easy, let alone trying to keep it as a routine.

But nevertheless, I will try my best, my baby girl is coming soon, so daddy needs to be in a very good shape :)~

ps: work life work life work work work work.....~

Thursday, 20 January 2011


Well... it has been a hectic week and its about to get pretty chaotic soon. Stress is overwhelming, work is very challenging. I gotta find a way to release these unwanted stress. Recently, bought a new lens for my Nikon D90 - a Nikkor AF-S 10-24mm Wide Angle Lens [courtesy of my lovely pregnant wife]. I might as well do some photography. And above is my trustee Lappy :) kinda slow lately, it takes more than 10 minutes just to wait for it finish uploading everything. I'm not a computer wizard that's why I don't bother to indulge in the moment of fixing the problem, so if anyone out there won't mind to fix it, be my guess. Got another lappy though, an Acer. My wife is using it at the moment, since it's small and light, it's easy for her to use :)

Now photography, not an easy thing to learn and understand, I guess experience is much more important. Rather than sitting down and reading its manual, it's better to go out there and start shooting something :) My weakest part for photography is choosing the right setting for a certain situation. I mean, I have still no complete idea whats ISO, AF, Stops... etc etc... but hey, I'm learning. Under my work circumstances, I had to resort to the slowest method of learning, once a week probably.

Anyway, good luck to me and my photography :)... huahahahahaha!!!

ps: snap snap snap!

Wednesday, 19 January 2011

Ada apa dengan kerja~?

Hi all.... it's been quite a week for me. First of all, we had this workshop on School-Based Assessment for Learning (2nd Wave) in Bridex, Jerudong from 7.45am until 4.30pm for two days [17-18th Jan]. Learned quite a lot of stuff during the workshop and spend lots of time discussion and idea sharing with other science teachers from other school. The best thing about it that I end up with a good group.

During the workshop, my wife was admitted to the hospital because she had a bit of bleeding. We taught the baby was coming, but thank god, its just false alarm. Not that I don't want my baby to be born, it's just too early for her to come out :P So after the workshop, I went to see my wife in the hospital.

Now I'm back to work. I just left school for two days, and I got work all above my heads. Need to do this, need to do that, need to complete this, need to complete that.... honestly, there's a LOT to do today. I haven't had my lunch yet, I got no time to sit down and enjoy a meal.

Today I received a memo that I need to attend a stress management course. I'm excited actually to learn how to deal with stress... but I'm not excited about the fact that I have to miss my class AGAIN and this time for FOUR DAYS!... and on top of that, I got another course called "Technology Enabled Science Teacher Learning Environment Development - TESTLED" twice a month every Wednesday at 2pm onwards (which means, I'm gonna miss my classes again and again).

I was told to swap classes, which apparently not an easy thing to do!.... First of all, I'm not the only teacher who have to attend this, probably other teachers too. Secondly, we have to do this swapping twice a month up until August and I'm afraid students would get confused due to changes in timetable that they might forgot what to bring and worse of all, since my lessons are in the science laboratory, swapping is not a good idea given the chance the laboratory is not available. I'm just UPSET that I have to do all these just to make up for everything else..... it's VERY TIRING since I'm doing to many things at one time. Not that I want to complain, but it's just a bit too much for me right now.... sigh....

ps: what can I do huh?....

Tuesday, 18 January 2011


Kenapa kita marah? Sebab ada sesuatu yg kita tidak suka dan membuat hati menjadi sakit. Lebih-lebih lagi bila sesuatu yang diluar kuasa kita. Kita akan semakin marah bila perasaan marah tu tidak diambil tindakan. Ada orang kata, bawa bertenang.. ada orang kata, sibuk kan diri.. dan ada orang kata.. "biarkan saja, jangan terlalu difikirkan".....

Tapi ada kita perasan tak, bila kita marah, apa jer nasihat pun takkan masuk kedalam otak yg penuh dengan kemarahan tu. Cuma diri kita sendiri jer yang dapat menenangkan segala fikiran yang bercelaru. Susah juga nak reda kan perasaan marah ni.

Sesetengah orang, mempunyai kawan-kawan dan orang tersayang sebagai tempat mengadu. Kadang-kadang, hati pun jadi tenang selepas mengadu kepada mereka. Dan ada juga yang lebih 'destructive', bila marah je.. abis la orang kiri kanan dia makan. Tapi yang lebih bahaya ialah mereka yang bila je marah, akan diamkan diri dan simpan kemarahan tu didalam badan.. sehingga sampai suatu masa, kemarahan yang terkumpul itu meletup dengan sekali letupan yang teramat besar.

Hadoi... macamanalah nak layan jiwa yang tengah marah ni. Bawak solat, amik air wudhu` dan baca ayat-ayat al-Quran. Wassalam.

ps: relax............................